My Visual Year in Review

Let me start out with a few phrases you may have heard lately:  Wow, where did this year go?  I can’t believe it’s 2012 already!  The holidays just flew by!  I can’t wait to end this year and start a new one, 2011 sucked. Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!  I have nothing to wear for New Year’s Eve!

Okay, you get it.

2011 is behind us and for some, that’s a relief.  For others, they are sad to embark on another year.   And for the rest, it doesn’t matter one way or the other.  As time passes, we get older, we make memories, we move on and live in the present.  I personally fall into the latter category.  And as I reflect back on this  year, a lot of thoughts come to me.  But rather than having you read a long blog about my otherwise uninteresting life, I thought I would share the highlights of my year via my photography which for me, equates to some amazing memories in some cases, and in other cases, it equates to nothing but a random photo taken by yours truly.

Oh, you didn’t know I was a photographer?!  Oh, well, yes, I do this on the side, in my spare time.  Okay, just kidding, but I like to think that between the combo of “having an eye” and my passion for the visual side of life, my shots are worth sharing.  Per my brother, who actually is a photographer (and…ahem…has a published photography book that’s an affordable $27 plus shipping and handling…), he does state it’s all in how you see things and knowing what to capture vs. having a really expensive Ashton Kutcher Nikon camera.  End quote.

Here goes.

The French Market in Chicago (my weekly Saturday date spot with Rick) - this is a pic of a garbage can.

I took a rear view mirror pic of my cab driver in Buenos Aires. Turns out, at a glance, he looks exactly like my dad. Weird.

Amber Fort in Jaipur, India

I ate my first Chicago-style hot dog this year (have lived here for 10 years) - DELISH!

Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro

Seafood feast at The Crab Pot in Seattle

Candles from Notre-Dame Cathedral in Quebec City

Smokin' husband, pun intended

Art + Floral Reflection from my Living Room

Street light in Saugatuck, Michigan

Anu and Ryan's Indian Christian wedding in Kolkata, India - loving their facial expression as they listen to the pastor's words and advice in marriage

Old building in Old Montreal, another pun intended

Now THAT pic takes talent! Rick at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Flower power.

Tango in Buenos Aires. Enough said.

My paint pallet for my first canvas painting experience this year.

Cirque du Soleil show in Quebec City...the hula hoop queen!

Serious buffalo checking me out at Buffalo Rock state park in Illinois

I must really like reflection pics. Farmhouse in Michigan.

Street light in Seattle. Also, used this to make the header of my blog 🙂

I'm obsessed with anything French! Quebec City lounge signage.

Cheers to 2012!  And oh, by the way, all rights are reserved for these hot shots so if you try to steal, I will come find you and my best friend is an attorney so just watch it!  😉